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Öffentlich·144 Mitglieder

Infinite Lagrange: How to Join or Create an Alliance and Dominate the Space

Let $\ a_i \$ be the infinite sequence you want to interpolate by polynomials in $t$.We construct series of $n$-th degree polynomials $X^n(t)$ such that : $\forall i \le n : X^n(i) = a_i$ like this:

We revisit the question of whether and how the steady states arising after non-equilibrium time evolution in integrable models (and in particular in the XXZ spin chain) can be described by the so-called generalized Gibbs ensemble (GGE). Whereas it is known that the micro-canonical ensemble built on a complete set of charges correctly describes the long-time limit of local observables, it has been shown recently by Ilievski et al that the corresponding canonical ensemble is not well defined, and instead a different canonical ensemble was proposed in terms of particle occupation number operators. Here we provide an alternative construction by considering truncated GGEs (tGGEs) that include only a finite number of local and quasi-local conserved operators. It is shown that the tGGEs can approximate the steady states with arbitrary precision, i.e. all physical observables are exactly reproduced in the infinite truncation limit. We trace back the problems encountered in defining an untruncated GGE to the dependence of the associated Lagrange multipliers on the truncation index. Conversely, we show that this problem may be circumvented by considering a new set of (quasi)local charges which are linear combinations of the standard ones, and whose associated Lagrange multipliers are well-defined state functions. Our general arguments are applied to concrete quench situations in the XXZ chain, where the initial states are simple two-site or four-site product states. Depending on the quench we find that numerical results for the local correlators can be obtained with remarkable precision using truncated GGEs with only 10-100 charges.

infinite lagrange


We obtain an upper bound on the convective heat transport in a heated from below horizontal fluid layer of infinite Prandtl number with rigid lower boundary and stress-free upper boundary. Because of the asymmetric boundary conditions the solutions of the Euler-Lagrange equations of the corresponding variational problem are also asymmetric with different thicknesses of the boundary layers on the upper and lower boundary of the fluid. The obtained bound on the convective heat transport and the corresponding wave number are between the values for a fluid layer with two rigid boundaries and a fluid layer with two stress-free boundaries.

By means of the Howard-Busse method of the optimum theory of turbulence we obtain upper bounds on the convective heat transport in a heated from below layer of fluid of infinite Prandtl number rotating with a constant angular velocity about the vertical axis. We consider the region of intermediate Taylor numbers: alpha41

This paper provides KKT and saddle point optimality conditions, duality theorems and stability theorems for consistent convex optimization problems posed in locally convex topological vector spaces. The feasible sets of these optimization problems are formed by those elements of a given closed convex set which satisfy a (possibly infinite) convex system. Moreover, all the involved functions are assumed to be convex, lower semicontinuous and proper (but not necessarily real-valued). The key result in the paper is the characterization of those reverse-convex inequalities which are consequence of the constraints system. As a byproduct of this new versions of Farkas' lemma we also characterize the containment of convex sets in reverse-convex sets. The main results in the paper are obtained under a suitable Farkas-type constraint qualifications and/or a certain closedness assumption.

Zhang discovered that there is a number k less than 70 million, so that there are infinitely many pairs of prime numbers that are exactly k apart. This was a groundbreaking discovery in number theory, for which he received the MacArthur award in 2014.

After a few failed attempts to contact other mathematicians, he wrote a letter to the famous G.H. Hardy. Hardy immediately recognised Ramanujan's genius, and arranged for him to travel to Cambridge in England. Together, they made numerous discoveries in number theory, analysis, and infinite series.

While travelling to Egypt, Fourier became particularly fascinated with heat. He studied heat transfer and vibrations, and discovered that any periodic function can be written as an infinite sum of trigonometric functions: a Fourier series.


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