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Shah Waliullah's Books on Quran, Hadith, Fiqh and Sufism: An Overview and Analysis

Books of Shah Waliullah for Download

Shah Waliullah was one of the greatest Islamic scholars and reformers of the 18th century. He wrote more than 50 books on various aspects of Islam, covering Quranic sciences, Hadith sciences, Fiqh (jurisprudence) and Tasawwuf (Sufism). His books are considered as authoritative sources of Islamic knowledge and guidance for Muslims of all times and places. In this article, we will explore the life and legacy of Shah Waliullah, the major works of Shah Waliullah, the benefits of reading his books, the challenges of accessing his books, the solutions for downloading his books and the tips for studying his books.

Books Of Shah Waliullah For Download

The Life and Legacy of Shah Waliullah

Shah Waliullah was born in Delhi in 1703 CE. He belonged to a family of scholars and jurists who traced their lineage to Umar ibn al-Khattab, the second caliph of Islam. He received his early education from his father, Shah Abdur Rahim, who was a renowned scholar and the chief judge of Delhi. He memorized the Quran at the age of seven and mastered various Islamic sciences by the age of 15. He then traveled to Mecca and Medina for further studies under some of the leading scholars of his time. He returned to Delhi in 1732 CE and started teaching at the famous Madrasa Rahimiyya, which was founded by his father. He also engaged in writing, preaching, reforming and reviving the Islamic faith and practice in India.

Shah Waliullah lived in a turbulent period of Indian history, marked by the decline of the Mughal Empire, the rise of regional powers, the invasion of Nadir Shah, the emergence of the British colonialism and the sectarian conflicts among Muslims. He witnessed the political chaos, social corruption, religious ignorance and moral decadence that plagued the Muslim community. He felt a strong urge to revive the true spirit of Islam among Muslims and to restore their unity, dignity and strength. He devoted his life to this noble cause by writing influential books, issuing fatwas (legal opinions), sending letters to rulers and scholars, organizing movements and networks and training disciples.

Shah Waliullah died in 1762 CE at the age of 59. He left behind a rich legacy of Islamic scholarship and revivalism that influenced many later scholars and reformers, such as Shah Abdul Aziz, Syed Ahmed Barelvi, Haji Imdadullah Muhajir Makki, Maulana Muhammad Qasim Nanautwi, Maulana Rashid Ahmed Gangohi, Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, Maulana Abul Ala Maududi, Maulana Muhammad Ilyas Kandhalvi and many others. He is widely regarded as the Mujaddid (renewer) of the 12th Islamic century.

The Major Works of Shah Waliullah

Shah Waliullah wrote more than 50 books on various aspects of Islam, covering Quranic sciences, Hadith sciences, Fiqh (jurisprudence) and Tasawwuf (Sufism). He classified his books into four categories according to the level of the readers: al-Kulliyat (the general books), al-Mutawassitat (the intermediate books), al-Juziyyat (the specific books) and al-Latifat (the subtle books). He also wrote some books for the common people, such as Hujjatullah al-Baligha (The Conclusive Argument from God) and Izalat al-Khafa an Khilafat al-Khulafa (The Removal of Doubt from the Caliphate of the Caliphs). Some of his major works are:

Quranic Sciences

Shah Waliullah wrote several books on Quranic sciences, such as exegesis, translation, principles and miracles. Some of his books on this subject are:

  • Fath al-Rahman fi Tarjamat al-Quran: This is the first complete translation of the Quran into Persian language. It is based on the Arabic commentary of Jalaluddin al-Suyuti and incorporates the views of other classical and contemporary scholars. It also explains the Quranic vocabulary, grammar, rhetoric and style.

  • Al-Fauz al-Kabir fi Usul al-Tafsir: This is a comprehensive book on the principles and methodology of Quranic exegesis. It discusses the sources, tools, rules and objectives of tafsir. It also deals with the issues of abrogation, inimitability, coherence, context and interpretation.

  • Al-Budur al-Bazigha: This is a concise book on the miracles and proofs of the Quran. It demonstrates the superiority of the Quran over other scriptures and its challenge to human and jinni eloquence. It also shows how the Quran contains scientific, historical and prophetic knowledge that was unknown to its contemporaries.

Hadith Sciences

Shah Waliullah wrote several books on Hadith sciences, such as collection, authentication, commentary and application. Some of his books on this subject are:

  • Musaffa Sharif: This is a collection of 344 authentic Hadiths that cover various topics of Islamic belief and practice. It is based on six major Hadith collections: Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud, Nasa'i and Ibn Majah. It also includes some Hadiths from other sources that are supported by strong evidence.

  • Al-Tafhimat al-Ilahiyya: This is a commentary on Musaffa Sharif that explains the meanings, implications and applications of the Hadiths. It also clarifies some difficult and controversial issues related to Hadith sciences.

  • Al-Qawl al-Jamil fi Bayan Asbab Wurud al-Hadith al-Sharif: This is a book that discusses the causes and occasions of revelation of Hadiths. It provides useful information about the context, background and purpose of Hadiths.

Fiqh (Jurisprudence)

Shah Waliullah wrote several books on Fiqh (jurisprudence), such as methodology, comparative Fiqh, Islamic law and ethics. Some of his books on this subject are:

madhabs (schools of law).

  • Al-Insaf fi Bayan Sabab al-Ikhtilaf: This is a book that compares and contrasts the opinions and arguments of different madhabs on various Fiqh issues. It analyzes the sources, evidences and methods of each madhab and tries to reconcile them or to prefer one over another based on sound criteria.

  • Hujjatullah al-Baligha: This is a book that presents a comprehensive and holistic view of Islamic law and ethics. It covers the objectives, principles and applications of Sharia (Islamic law) in various domains of life, such as worship, social relations, politics, economics, education and culture. It also addresses some contemporary challenges and issues faced by Muslims.

Tasawwuf (Sufism)

Shah Waliullah wrote several books on Tasawwuf (Sufism), such as doctrine, practice, history and poetry. Some of his books on this subject are:

  • Al-Qaul al-Azhar fi Bayan al-Aqaid al-Akhyar: This is a book that explains the core beliefs and doctrines of Sufism. It discusses the concepts of tawhid (monotheism), ma'rifah (gnosis), wilayah (sainthood), tasawwur (visualization), tawajjuh (attention), tawassul (intercession) and shafa'ah (mediation).

  • Al-Tariq al-Muhammadiyya: This is a book that describes the stages and states of the spiritual path to God. It outlines the conditions, practices and etiquettes of suluk (spiritual journey), such as repentance, sincerity, trust, patience, gratitude, love, remembrance, contemplation and annihilation.

  • Anfas al-Arifin: This is a book that narrates the biographies and sayings of some of the eminent Sufi masters and saints of Islam. It includes the stories and teachings of Hasan al-Basri, Ibrahim ibn Adham, Abu Yazid al-Bistami, Junayd al-Baghdadi, Abu al-Qasim al-Junaydi, Abu Bakr al-Shibli, Abu Sa'id al-Kharraz, Mansur al-Hallaj and many others.

  • Diwan Shah Waliullah: This is a collection of poems composed by Shah Waliullah in Arabic, Persian and Urdu languages. It expresses his love for God, his Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his family and companions. It also reflects his insights into the mysteries of creation, revelation and destiny.

The Benefits of Reading Shah Waliullah's Books

Shah Waliullah's books are beneficial for Muslims in many ways. Some of the benefits are:

  • They increase one's knowledge and understanding of Islam in its various dimensions and aspects.

  • They strengthen one's faith and conviction in the truth and beauty of Islam.

  • They enhance one's spirituality and closeness to God.

  • They inspire one to follow the example and guidance of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his righteous successors.

  • They motivate one to reform oneself and society according to the teachings of Islam.

  • They equip one with the tools and skills to deal with the challenges and opportunities of the modern world.

The Challenges of Accessing Shah Waliullah's Books

Despite their immense value and importance, Shah Waliullah's books are not easily accessible for many Muslims. Some of the challenges are:

  • They are written in classical languages, such as Arabic and Persian, which are not widely spoken or understood by most Muslims today.

  • They are not widely available in print or digital formats. Many of his original manuscripts are lost or damaged. Many of his printed editions are rare or expensive.

  • They are not adequately translated or commented upon in other languages. Many of his books have not been translated at all or have been translated poorly or partially. Many of his books lack proper commentary or explanation for contemporary readers.

  • They are not widely taught or studied in Islamic institutions or circles. Many Muslims are unaware of his books or their contents. Many Muslims are influenced by negative or biased views about him or his books.

The Solutions for Downloading Shah Waliullah's Books

Fortunately, there are some solutions for downloading Shah Waliullah's books and making them more accessible for Muslims. Some of the solutions are:

  • They can be downloaded from online sources, websites and platforms that offer free or affordable downloads of his books in various languages and formats. Some of these sources are:

  • This is a website that provides free access to millions of books, audio, video and other media files. It has a collection of Shah Waliullah's books in Arabic, Persian, Urdu and English languages.

  • This is a website that is dedicated to the life and works of Shah Waliullah. It has a library of his books in Arabic, Persian, Urdu and English languages. It also has articles, lectures, videos and other resources on him and his books.

  • This is a website that provides free downloads of Islamic books in various languages. It has a section on Shah Waliullah's books in Arabic, Persian, Urdu and English languages.

  • This is a website that provides free downloads of Islamic books in various languages. It has a section on Shah Waliullah's books in Arabic, Persian, Urdu and English languages.

  • They can be purchased from online or offline bookstores that sell his books in various languages and formats. Some of these bookstores are:

  • This is an online bookstore that sells Islamic books in various languages. It has a section on Shah Waliullah's books in Arabic, Persian, Urdu and English languages.

  • This is an online bookstore that sells Islamic books in various languages. It has a section on Shah Waliullah's books in Arabic, Persian, Urdu and English languages.

  • This is an online bookstore that sells Islamic books in various languages. It has a section on Shah Waliullah's books in Arabic, Persian, Urdu and English languages.

  • This is an online bookstore that sells Islamic books in various languages. It has a section on Shah Waliullah's books in Arabic, Persian, Urdu and English languages.

  • Darul Ishaat UK: This is an offline bookstore that sells Islamic books in various languages. It has a section on Shah Waliullah's books in Arabic, Persian, Urdu and English languages.

  • This is an offline bookstore that sells Islamic books in various languages. It has a section on Shah Waliullah's books in Arabic, Persian, Urdu and English languages.

The Tips for Studying Shah Waliullah's Books

Shah Waliullah's books are not easy to study or understand for many Muslims. They require some prerequisites, guidelines and resources for proper comprehension and benefit. Some of the tips are:

  • They require some basic knowledge of Islamic sciences, such as Quranic sciences, Hadith sciences, Fiqh (jurisprudence) and Tasawwuf (Sufism). They also require some familiarity with classical languages, such as Arabic and Persian, or their reliable translations.

  • They require some guidance from qualified teachers or scholars who can explain the meanings, implications and applications of his books. They also require some reference to other sources or commentaries that can supplement or clarify his books.

  • They require some sincerity, humility and openness to learn from his books. They also require some respect, appreciation and gratitude for his efforts and contributions to Islam.

Q: What are some of his most famous books?

  • A: Some of his most famous books are Hujjatullah al-Baligha (The Conclusive Argument from God), Fath al-Rahman fi Tarjamat al-Quran (The Victory of the Merciful in the Translation of the Quran), Al-Fauz al-Kabir fi Usul al-Tafsir (The Great Success in the Principles of Exegesis), Musaffa Sharif (The Noble Collection), Al-Tafhimat al-Ilahiyya (The Divine Clarifications) and Al-Tariq al-Muhammadiyya (The Muhammadan Way).

  • Q: In what languages did he write his books?

  • A: He wrote his books mainly in Arabic and Persian languages. He also wrote some books in Urdu language.

  • Q: How can I download his books for free?

  • A: You can download his books for free from online sources, websites and platforms that offer free or affordable downloads of his books in various languages and formats. Some of these sources are,, and

  • Q: How can I study his books properly?

  • A: You can study his books properly by following some tips, such as having some basic knowledge of Islamic sciences and classical languages, seeking guidance from qualified teachers or scholars, having sincerity, humility and openness to learn, having patience, perseverance and consistency to study regularly and systematically, and having reflection, action and feedback to apply practically and beneficially.



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