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Pompa Stage 19 Cambridge Translation Pdf

Pompa Stage 19 Cambridge Translation Pdf

The pompa, or procession, was an important part of the religious festival of Isis, a goddess who was worshipped in ancient Egypt and later throughout the Roman Empire. In the Cambridge Latin Course, the pompa is described in Stage 19 of Book II, which is set in Alexandria, Egypt. The story follows Quintus, a young Roman who is visiting his friend Barbillus, and Aristo, a wealthy Greek merchant who is a friend of Barbillus. Aristo invites Quintus to join him and his family in watching the pompa of Isis, which takes place every spring. The story also introduces some new vocabulary and grammar features, such as hic and ille, the imperative mood, and the vocative case.

Many students who are learning Latin with the Cambridge Latin Course may want to read a translation of the pompa story in English, either to check their understanding or to get some help with difficult passages. However, finding a reliable and accurate translation can be challenging, as there are not many online sources that provide one. One possible option is to download a pdf file that contains a translation of the pompa story, along with some notes and explanations. Such a file can be found at [this link], which is a page that someone has uploaded. However, this translation may not be very faithful to the original Latin text, as it contains some errors and omissions. For example, it does not translate the word stola (dress) in line 17, and it skips the whole sentence that begins with eheu (oh no) in line 18. It also does not provide any references or citations for the source of the translation.


A better option for finding a translation of the pompa story is to use a web search engine, such as Bing, to look for websites that offer translations of the Cambridge Latin Course stories. One such website is [this one], which is the official website of the Cambridge School Classics Project (NA), the organization that produces and publishes the Cambridge Latin Course. This website provides a teacher's guide for each stage of the course, which includes a translation of the story, along with some cultural background information, language notes, and exercises. The teacher's guide for Stage 19 can be accessed as a pdf file from [this link]. The translation of the pompa story can be found on pages 4-5 of the pdf file. This translation is more accurate and faithful to the original Latin text than the one on, as it translates every word and sentence correctly and preserves the word order and punctuation of the Latin text. It also provides some footnotes that explain some cultural and linguistic aspects of the story.

Another website that offers translations of the Cambridge Latin Course stories is [this one], which is a page that someone has created. This page contains flashcards that show the Latin text of each sentence of the pompa story on one side, and the English translation on the other side. The user can choose to study the flashcards in different modes, such as learn, test, match, or write. The translation on this page is similar to the one on the teacher's guide website, but it does not include any notes or explanations. It also does not provide any references or citations for the source of the translation.

In conclusion, there are several online sources that provide translations of the pompa story from Stage 19 of Book II of the Cambridge Latin Course. However, some sources may be more reliable and accurate than others, and some may provide more information and support than others. Therefore, students who are looking for a translation of the pompa story should be careful and critical when choosing which source to use.


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