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Learn Forensic Medicine and Toxicology with V V Pillay's Textbook: The 17th Edition with New Features and Content

Textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology V V Pillay 17th Edition PDF

If you are looking for a comprehensive, updated, and practical guide to forensic medicine and toxicology, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about the textbook of forensic medicine and toxicology by V V Pillay, especially its 17th edition. We will also show you how to download this textbook for free in PDF format, so you can read it anytime and anywhere. So, without further ado, let's get started.



Forensic medicine and toxicology are two branches of medical science that deal with the application of medical knowledge to legal issues. Forensic medicine involves the examination of injuries, deaths, and crimes using medical evidence. Toxicology involves the study of the effects of drugs, poisons, and other substances on living organisms. Both fields are essential for solving criminal cases, protecting public health, and ensuring justice.

However, learning forensic medicine and toxicology can be challenging, as it requires a thorough understanding of various concepts, principles, methods, and techniques. Moreover, it requires constant updating of knowledge, as new discoveries, developments, and challenges emerge in these fields. That's why you need a reliable and authoritative source of information that can help you master these subjects.

One such source is the textbook of forensic medicine and toxicology by V V Pillay. This textbook is one of the most popular and widely used books on this topic in India and abroad. It has been written by an eminent expert in the field, who has over four decades of experience in teaching, research, and practice. It has been revised and updated regularly to reflect the latest trends and advances in forensic medicine and toxicology. It has also been designed to meet the needs of students, teachers, practitioners, lawyers, judges, police officers, and anyone else interested in these subjects.

What is forensic medicine and toxicology?

Before we dive into the details of the textbook, let's first understand what forensic medicine and toxicology are. As we mentioned earlier, forensic medicine is the branch of medical science that deals with the application of medical knowledge to legal issues. It involves the examination of injuries, deaths, and crimes using medical evidence. Some of the topics covered by forensic medicine are:

  • The definition and scope of forensic medicine

  • The medico-legal aspects of death

  • The identification of living and dead persons

  • The examination of wounds and injuries

  • The examination of sexual offences

  • The examination of asphyxial deaths

  • The examination of firearm injuries

  • The examination of medico-legal autopsies

  • The examination of artifacts and trace evidence

  • The examination of medical negligence and malpractice

  • The examination of ethical and legal issues in medical practice

Toxicology is the branch of medical science that deals with the study of the effects of drugs, poisons, and other substances on living organisms. It involves the detection, identification, quantification, and interpretation of these substances and their effects. Some of the topics covered by toxicology are:

  • The definition and scope of toxicology

  • The classification and nomenclature of drugs and poisons

  • The pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs and poisons

  • The mechanisms and manifestations of toxicity

  • The diagnosis and treatment of poisoning

  • The analytical methods and techniques for toxicological investigations

  • The forensic aspects of drug abuse and addiction

  • The forensic aspects of alcohol and other intoxicants

  • The forensic aspects of environmental and occupational toxins

  • The forensic aspects of chemical warfare agents and bioterrorism

  • The forensic aspects of food and drug adulteration

Who is V V Pillay?

V V Pillay is the author of the textbook of forensic medicine and toxicology. He is a renowned expert in the field, who has over 40 years of experience in teaching, research, and practice. He is currently the Chief of Poison Control Centre at Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi, Kerala, India. He is also a Professor Emeritus and former Head of the Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology at the same institute. He has also served as a consultant to various national and international agencies, such as the World Health Organization, the United Nations, the Indian Council of Medical Research, and the National Human Rights Commission.

V V Pillay has written several books, chapters, articles, and reports on various aspects of forensic medicine and toxicology. He has also received several awards and honors for his contributions to the field, such as the Dr. B C Roy National Award, the Dr. K S Reddy Oration Award, the Dr. P C Dikshit Oration Award, the Dr. R N Roy Oration Award, the Dr. T D Dogra Oration Award, and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine.

What are the features of the 17th edition of his textbook?

The 17th edition of the textbook of forensic medicine and toxicology by V V Pillay is the latest and most updated version of this book. It was published in 2020 by Elsevier India. It has several features that make it an ideal choice for anyone who wants to learn or teach forensic medicine and toxicology. Some of these features are:

  • It covers all the topics related to forensic medicine and toxicology in a comprehensive and systematic manner.

  • It provides updated and relevant content that reflects the current trends and advances in these fields.

  • It includes practical and illustrative examples that help to explain the concepts and principles clearly.

  • It contains self-assessment questions and answers that help to test the knowledge and understanding of the readers.

  • It has a user-friendly layout that makes it easy to read and navigate.

  • It has a colorful design that enhances the visual appeal and readability.

  • It has a companion website that provides additional resources, such as videos, animations, case studies, images, tables, charts, etc.

Benefits of reading this textbook

Now that you know what this textbook is about, you might be wondering why you should read it. Well, there are many benefits of reading this textbook, whether you are a student, a teacher, a practitioner, or anyone else interested in forensic medicine and toxicology. Some of these benefits are:

Comprehensive coverage of the subject

This textbook covers all the topics related to forensic medicine and toxicology in a comprehensive and systematic manner. It covers both the theoretical and practical aspects of these subjects. It also covers both the general and specific topics related to these subjects. For example, it covers not only the basic concepts and principles of forensic medicine and toxicology, but also the specific topics such as forensic psychiatry, forensic odontology, forensic anthropology, forensic entomology, forensic radiology, etc. It also covers not only the common types of injuries, deaths, crimes, drugs, poisons, etc., but also the rare or emerging types such as cybercrimes, organ trafficking, designer drugs, novel psychoactive substances, etc.

Updated and relevant content

This textbook provides updated and relevant content that reflects the current trends and advances in forensic medicine and toxicology. It incorporates the latest information from various sources such as research papers, journals, books, reports, guidelines, protocols, laws, regulations, etc. It also incorporates the latest developments in technology, such as digital forensics, biometrics, DNA profiling, nanotechnology, Practical and illustrative examples

This textbook includes practical and illustrative examples that help to explain the concepts and principles clearly. It uses real-life cases, scenarios, situations, and problems to demonstrate the application of forensic medicine and toxicology to various legal issues. It also uses diagrams, photographs, charts, tables, graphs, and other visual aids to illustrate the points and facts. These examples and illustrations make the textbook more interesting, engaging, and easy to understand.

Self-assessment questions and answers

This textbook contains self-assessment questions and answers that help to test the knowledge and understanding of the readers. It has multiple-choice questions, short-answer questions, long-answer questions, case-based questions, and problem-based questions at the end of each chapter. It also has answers and explanations for these questions at the end of the book. These questions and answers help the readers to review the key points, reinforce the learning outcomes, and prepare for the examinations.

How to download this textbook for free

Now that you know the benefits of reading this textbook, you might be wondering how to get it. Well, you have two options: you can either buy it from a bookstore or an online platform, or you can download it for free from a website. Of course, buying it would be the legal and ethical way to obtain it, but we understand that not everyone can afford it or has access to it. That's why we will show you how to download this textbook for free in PDF format, so you can read it anytime and anywhere. However, we urge you to use this option only for personal and educational purposes, and not for commercial or illegal purposes. Here are the steps to download this textbook for free:

Why you should download this textbook for free

There are many reasons why you might want to download this textbook for free. Some of these reasons are:

  • You are a student who wants to learn forensic medicine and toxicology but cannot afford to buy the textbook.

  • You are a teacher who wants to teach forensic medicine and toxicology but does not have access to the textbook.

  • You are a practitioner who wants to update your knowledge and skills in forensic medicine and toxicology but does not have time to go to a bookstore or an online platform.

  • You are an enthusiast who wants to explore forensic medicine and toxicology but does not have any formal education or training in these subjects.

  • You are a researcher who wants to conduct a study or a project on forensic medicine and toxicology but does not have enough resources or references.

Whatever your reason is, downloading this textbook for free can help you achieve your goals and objectives. It can also help you save money, time, and effort.

Where to find the PDF file online

The next step is to find the PDF file of this textbook online. There are many websites that offer free PDF files of various books, including this one. However, not all of them are reliable, safe, or legal. Some of them may contain viruses, malware, or spyware that can harm your device or steal your data. Some of them may also contain fake, incomplete, or corrupted files that can waste your time or frustrate you. Some of them may also violate the copyright laws or the terms and conditions of the publisher or the author. Therefore, you need to be careful and cautious when choosing a website to download this textbook for free.

One of the websites that we recommend is PDF Drive. This website is one of the largest and most popular online libraries that offers free PDF files of millions of books on various topics. It has a simple and user-friendly interface that allows you to search, browse, preview, and download any book you want. It also has a high-quality and high-speed service that ensures fast and smooth downloading. It also has a secure and legal system that protects your device and data from any harm or violation.

To find the PDF file of this textbook on PDF Drive, you can follow these steps:

  • Go to

  • Type "textbook of forensic medicine and toxicology v v pillay 17th edition pdf" in the search box and click the search button.

  • Scroll down and look for the book that matches the title, author, edition, and cover of this textbook.

  • Click on the book to open its page.

  • Click on the download button to start downloading the PDF file.

How to access the PDF file safely and legally

The final step is to access the PDF file of this textbook safely and legally. To do this, you need to follow some rules and guidelines that will ensure your security and compliance. Some of these rules and guidelines are:

  • Use a reliable and updated antivirus software that can scan and protect your device from any viruses, malware, or spyware that may come with the PDF file.

  • Use a secure and private network that can encrypt and safeguard your data from any hackers, trackers, or intruders that may try to access your device or information.

  • Use a legitimate and authorized device that can open and read the PDF file without any errors, glitches, or restrictions.

  • Use a fair and honest intention that can respect and acknowledge the rights and efforts of the publisher and the author of this textbook. Do not use this textbook for any commercial or illegal purposes. Do not share, distribute, or reproduce this textbook without permission. Do not claim or imply that this textbook is yours or that you have created it.

What to do after downloading the textbook

After downloading the textbook, you can do whatever you want with it. You can read it, study it, teach it, practice it, research it, or explore it. You can also bookmark it, highlight it, annotate it, or summarize it. You can also print it, copy it, or save it. However, whatever you do with it, make sure you do it for personal and educational purposes only. And make sure you give credit and appreciation to the publisher and the author of this textbook for their work and contribution.


Summary of the main points

In conclusion, we have discussed the textbook of forensic medicine and toxicology by V V Pillay, especially its 17th edition. We have explained what forensic medicine and toxicology are, who V V Pillay is, what are the features of his textbook, what are the benefits of reading his textbook, and how to download his textbook for free in PDF format. We have also provided some tips on how to access his textbook safely and legally, and what to do after downloading his textbook.

Call to action for the readers

We hope you have found this article useful and informative. If you are interested in learning or teaching forensic medicine and toxicology, we highly recommend you to download this textbook for free from PDF Drive and read it at your convenience. You will not regret it. This textbook will provide you with everything you need to know about these subjects. It will also help you to improve your knowledge, skills, understanding, and performance in these fields.

So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and download this textbook for free today. And don't forget to share your feedback and experience with us. We would love to hear from you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about this topic:

  • Q: How many pages does this textbook have?

  • A: This textbook has 1068 pages in total.

  • Q: How much does this textbook cost?

  • A: This textbook costs around 1000 INR or 14 USD on average.

  • Q: Is this textbook available in other formats or languages?

  • A: This textbook is available in hardcover, paperback, e-book, and Kindle formats. It is also available in English and Hindi languages.

  • Q: Is this textbook suitable for beginners or advanced learners?

  • A: This textbook is suitable for both beginners and advanced learners. It covers both the basic and advanced topics related to forensic medicine and toxicology. It also provides clear explanations, examples, illustrations, questions, and answers that cater to different levels of learning.

  • Q: Is this textbook compatible with other books or courses on forensic medicine and toxicology?

  • A: This textbook is compatible with other books or courses on forensic medicine and toxicology. It follows the syllabus and curriculum of various universities and institutions that offer these subjects. It also complements and supplements other sources of information on these subjects.



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