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Catherine Ponder's Millionaires of the Bible Series: A Review and a Free PDF Offer

The Millionaires of the Bible Series by Catherine Ponder PDF Free 25

Do you want to learn how to attract wealth, success and happiness into your life? Do you want to discover the ancient secrets of prosperity that have been hidden in the Bible for centuries? Do you want to get access to 25 books that will teach you how to apply these secrets in your own life?


If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you are in luck. In this article, I'm going to introduce you to the Millionaires of the Bible Series by Catherine Ponder, one of the most popular and influential authors on prosperity and abundance. I'm also going to show you how you can get 25 of these books for free in PDF format, so you can start reading them right away.

But before we get into that, let me tell you a little bit about what the Millionaires of the Bible Series is and who Catherine Ponder is.

The Millionaires of the Bible Series

The Millionaires of the Bible Series is a collection of books that reveal the prosperity secrets of some of the most famous and wealthy people in the Bible. These books are based on the teachings of Unity Church, a non-denominational Christian movement that emphasizes positive thinking, affirmative prayer and spiritual healing.

The series consists of five volumes, each focusing on a different group of biblical characters who achieved great success and abundance in their lives. These are:

  • The Millionaires of Genesis: Their Prosperity Secrets for You

  • The Millionaire Moses: His Prosperity Secrets for You

  • The Millionaire Joshua: His Prosperity Secrets for You

  • The Millionaire from Nazareth: His Prosperity Secrets for You

  • The Millionaires of Revelation: Their Prosperity Secrets for You

In each book, Catherine Ponder explains how these biblical characters used certain principles and techniques to overcome their challenges and manifest their desires. She also shows how these principles and techniques are still relevant and applicable today, and how anyone can use them to create their own prosperity.

Some of the prosperity secrets that you will learn from these books are:

  • How to claim your divine inheritance as a child of God

  • How to use your imagination and visualization to shape your reality

  • How to form a vacuum in your life to attract new opportunities

  • How to use affirmations and decrees to activate your subconscious mind

  • How to forgive yourself and others to release any blocks or resistance

  • How to tithe and give generously to receive more blessings

  • How to trust in God's guidance and follow your intuition

  • How to use gratitude and praise to multiply your good

  • How to use metaphysical laws and symbols to understand your destiny

  • How to align yourself with your divine purpose and mission

These books are not only informative, but also inspirational and entertaining. Catherine Ponder tells the stories of these biblical characters in a lively and engaging way, making them easy to relate to and learn from. She also shares many examples of how these prosperity secrets have worked for her and for other people who have applied them in their lives.

By reading these books, you will not only gain a deeper understanding of the Bible and its hidden meanings, but also a practical guide on how to use its wisdom to improve your own life.

Catherine Ponder

Now that you know what the Millionaires of the Bible Series is, let me tell you a little bit about the author, Catherine Ponder.

Catherine Ponder is an American minister and founder of Unity Church Worldwide, affiliated with the Unity Church. She is also one of the most prolific and successful authors on prosperity and abundance, having written more than a dozen books on the subject, including the best-selling The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity.

She was born in Hartsville, South Carolina, in 1927. She grew up in a poor family during the Great Depression, and faced many hardships and challenges in her early life. She suffered from chronic health problems, financial difficulties, and a broken marriage.

However, she did not let these circumstances define her or limit her. She decided to change her life by changing her mind. She discovered the teachings of Unity Church and other New Thought authors, and began to study and practice the principles of positive thinking, affirmative prayer and spiritual healing.

She also felt a calling to become a minister and share these teachings with others. She enrolled in the Unity School of Christianity in Missouri, and became one of the first women ordained by the Unity Church in 1958. She then founded her own church in San Antonio, Texas, where she served as a minister for 25 years.

She also began to write books on prosperity and abundance, based on her own experiences and insights. Her first book, The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity, was published in 1962, and became an instant hit. It sold millions of copies worldwide, and helped thousands of people to improve their lives.

She continued to write more books on prosperity and abundance, including the Millionaires of the Bible Series, which she started in 1976. She also traveled around the world, giving lectures and seminars on prosperity and abundance. She became one of the most respected and influential authors on prosperity and abundance, and earned the nickname "the Norman Vincent Peale among lady ministers".

Her main teachings and principles on prosperity and abundance are:

  • God is the source of all supply, and He wants you to prosper

  • You have a divine right to claim your prosperity as a child of God

  • You can attract prosperity by changing your thoughts, words and actions

  • You can use various tools and techniques to activate your prosperity consciousness

  • You can cooperate with God's laws and guidance to manifest your prosperity

  • You can share your prosperity with others and create a prosperous world

How to Get 25 Books for Free

By now, you must be wondering how you can get access to these amazing books by Catherine Ponder. Well, I have some good news for you. You can get 25 of these books for free in PDF format.

Why PDF format? Because PDF format has many benefits over other formats. For example:

  • You can read PDF files on any device, such as your computer, tablet or smartphone

  • You can easily zoom in or out, adjust the font size or brightness, or search for keywords

  • You can bookmark pages, highlight passages or take notes

  • You can print out pages or sections if you want to read them on paper

  • You can save space and money by not having to buy physical books

So how can you get these 25 books for free in PDF format? It's very simple. Just follow these steps:

  • Go to this website:

  • Scroll down until you see the folder named "The Millionaires of the Bible Series by Catherine Ponder"

  • Click on it to open it

  • You will see a list of 25 files with the names of each book

  • Click on each file to download it to your device

  • Enjoy reading these books at your own pace


In this article, I have introduced you to the Millionaires of the Bible Series by Catherine Ponder, one of the most popular and influential authors on prosperity and abundance. I have also shown you how you can get 25 of these books for free in PDF format, so you can start reading them right away.

These books will teach you how to apply the ancient secrets of prosperity that have been hidden in the Bible for centuries. You will learn how to use your mind, your words and your actions to attract wealth, success and happiness into your life. You will also learn how to cooperate with God's laws and guidance to manifest your desires.

These books are not only informative, but also inspirational and entertaining. You will enjoy reading the stories of some of the most famous and wealthy people in the Bible, and how they used certain principles and techniques to overcome their challenges and achieve their goals. You will also find many examples of how these principles and techniques have worked for modern people who have applied them in their lives.

By reading these books, you will not only gain a deeper understanding of the Bible and its hidden meanings, but also a practical guide on how to use its wisdom to improve your own life.

So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and download these 25 books for free in PDF format, and start reading them today. You will be amazed by the results you will see in your life.

Remember, God is the source of all supply, and He wants you to prosper. You have a divine right to claim your prosperity as a child of God. You can attract prosperity by changing your thoughts, words and actions. You can use various tools and techniques to activate your prosperity consciousness. You can cooperate with God's laws and guidance to manifest your prosperity. You can share your prosperity with others and create a prosperous world.

As Catherine Ponder says, "The millionaires of the Bible were not so very different from us. They had problems too. But they found ways to solve those problems through prosperous thinking. And so can we!"


Here are some frequently asked questions about the Millionaires of the Bible Series and Catherine Ponder:

  • Q: Are these books based on a specific denomination or religion?

  • A: No, these books are based on the teachings of Unity Church, which is a non-denominational Christian movement that emphasizes positive thinking, affirmative prayer and spiritual healing. These books are suitable for anyone who believes in God and wants to prosper in life.

  • Q: Do I need to read these books in a specific order?

  • A: No, you can read these books in any order you like. Each book is complete in itself and covers a different group of biblical characters and their prosperity secrets. However, you may find it helpful to start with The Millionaires of Genesis, which introduces the basic concepts and principles of prosperity.

  • Q: How long does it take to read these books?

  • A: It depends on your reading speed and preference. Each book is about 250 pages long, and contains 10 chapters. You can read one chapter per day, or one book per week, or whatever suits you best. The important thing is to read these books with an open mind and a receptive heart.

  • Q: How can I apply these books in my life?

  • A: The best way to apply these books in your life is to practice what you learn from them. Each book contains many practical exercises and suggestions that you can use to activate your prosperity consciousness and manifest your desires. You can also use affirmations, decrees, meditations and prayers that are provided in these books to align yourself with God's will and guidance.

  • Q: Where can I find more information about Catherine Ponder and her other books?

  • A: You can find more information about Catherine Ponder and her other books on her official website: There you can also find her biography, her articles, her audio lectures and her contact details.



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